Are Air Purifiers a Hoax? - Debunking the Myths

Air purifiers are not a waste of money, especially when used correctly. In recent times, there have been numerous articles circulating on social media about exaggerated claims of air purifiers (KHN, org). As an expert in this field, these headlines are concerning to me. Air purifier scams can take many different forms. The most common type of scam is when sellers make false claims about the capabilities of their machines.

For instance, they may claim that a unit without a carbon filter can remove particles and gases from the air, even though a HEPA filter has little to no effect on gaseous pollutants. These purifiers work by forcing air through a small mesh that captures smoke, allergens and pollen, but it is important to check the coverage in square feet of the product. If you have an underlying health condition such as asthma or allergies, it is best to consult your doctor about how to improve indoor air quality to control symptoms. There is very little medical evidence to support that air purifiers directly help improve your health or relieve allergies and respiratory symptoms. The best place to start is to carefully review the specifications of the air purifier you are looking for.

As with most scams, the key to avoiding air purifier scams is to research before making a purchase decision. Air purifiers usually consist of a filter, or several filters, and a fan that draws in and circulates the air. Ultrafine particles, which can enter the bloodstream and even the brain, will remain in the air unless they are pushed or sucked away, so moisture will not change their location. I don't know what's worse - my children having asthma attacks due to secondhand smoke or my children having asthma attacks due to fresh air (Ecoquest). This means that in addition to the purchase price of an air purifier, you should also consider operating costs and filter replacement costs.

Electronic air purifiers are designed to create an electrical charge so that particles adhere to the metal plates of the machine, which are then carefully cleaned. Although some users rely on UV air cleaners, Singla points out that UV filtration has limited value for those with allergies because allergens are not living fabrics like mold. Some models claim to clean countertops and other surfaces as the treated air is blown out of the vents through your home. An object cleaner placed next to the air conditioner coil - a dark, moist breeding ground for mold and bacteria - floods the area with ultraviolet light and kills organisms before they enter the ventilation system. Models that include germicidal UV lamp technology to irradiate bacteria and mold spores into the air stream or filter cost even more; however, once again, there is a lack of research to prove that they work. In conclusion, it is important to be aware of potential scams when purchasing an air purifier.

Be sure to research thoroughly before making any decisions and consult your doctor if you have any underlying health conditions. With careful consideration and research, you can find an effective air purifier that meets your needs.